
佚名- 2023-08-20 22:06:35


不建议剧烈运动英语表达:Don't do intense exercise too often

In English, the phrase "don't do intense exercise too often" can be translated into various ways, depending on the context and the specific situation. Here are a few examples: - "Don't do any intense exercise every day." This phrase means to avoid doing any intense activities that can cause harm to your body every day. - "It's not recommended to do intense exercise after a long day's work." This phrase suggests that it's not a good idea to do intense activities, such as running or working out, immediately after a long day of work. - "It's not suitable for everyone to do intense exercise." This phrase means that intense exercise may not be suitable for everyone, and that some people may experience adverse effects or harm from it. In general, it's important to listen to your body and to do activities that are comfortable and safe for you. If you feel tired or unwell after doing intense exercise, it's best to rest or change your activity.过度剧烈运动可能会导致身体疲劳、不舒服甚至受伤,因此不建议经常进行剧烈运动。剧烈运动后什么时候能喝酒吗
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